Loving-Kindness Meditation and the Gamma Wave – A Marriage of Ancient Tradition and Modern Science

[ad_1] Of all the brainwave frequencies displayed by the human brain, perhaps the most fascinating is the Gamma wave, around 40 Hertz. When in a Gamma state, the brain seems capable of remarkable synergy, exhibiting a high level of holistic functioning that unites multiple senses, perceptions, and memories. In short, we become almost super-human. Interestingly,…

Mala Beads and Meditation

[ad_1] Guiding your soul with the mala beads, balancing your chakras in meditation with the help of mantras, spiritual meditation is an excellent healer of the human body. 108 is a sacred number in Hinduism and Buddhism and most malas are 108 plus the Guru Bead. Mala beads are a beautiful tool for keeping count…

Various Health Benefits of Meditation

[ad_1] The ancient practice of meditation is gaining popularity again in modern times. As this practice goes main stream, more and more people are enjoying its benefits. Derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Dhyana’ meditation means attention and contemplation. It is a practice to help focusing the attention away from everything to achieve a relaxed state…