Navigating COVID-19 Restrictions on My First Trip to Mumbai: A Memoir of Visiting My In-Laws During Ganesh Chaturthi

Navigating COVID-19 Restrictions on My First Trip to Mumbai: A Memoir of Visiting My In-Laws During Ganesh Chaturthi My first trip to my in-laws’ house in Mumbai was a memorable experience. It was in 2021, just after my marriage to my wife. We decided to visit them during the Ganesh Chaturthi festival, which is a…

Candidate with Potential vs. Candidate with Experience

More often than never companies are flooded with thousands of candidate profiles, multiple cover letters explaining their candidature, messages on LinkedIn, referrals from employees, etc. In totality recruiting for an open position in a team is often a nightmarish experience for a manager for various reasons. During this recruitment process, recruiting managers are often stuck…

You can bank on this power

In the ever-changing world that we live in today, our resiliency is what determines if we sink or swim. when the COVID-19 hit the Indian sub-continent saw a country absolutely ill-equipped to handle any pandemic sort of pandemic, a government clueless on how to aid healthcare workers, support out-of-job workers/migrants, businesses. The startup eco-space in…