Death by PowerPoint!

[ad_1] Death by PowerPoint! The most critical job of a manager, when you boil it all down, is communication. To be successful, a manager has to be effective in communicating one-on-one, in writing and in groups. While weakness in any of these three disciplines will compromise the ability to lead, the weakness most often seen…

McKinsey Style Business Presentations – The Art of Effective PowerPoint Presentations

[ad_1] McKinsey Style Business Presentations – The Art of Effective PowerPoint Presentations Life in the corporate world can be pretty unfair. Some people get lots of attention and recognition from management, while others who eventually even produce better results don’t. I have seen very brilliant people doing lots of good work, who never really got…

What Annoys Audiences About PowerPoint Presentations?

[ad_1] What Annoys Audiences About PowerPoint Presentations? When you prepare to deliver your next PowerPoint presentation, your audience should be first on your list of considerations. Unfortunately, too many presenters annoy their audiences. An online survey of 688 people who regularly see PowerPoint presentations revealed the following top annoyances (item and what percentage of the…